Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cup #61 (2 views and the inspriration)

Cup and handle as sandhill crane.....(with a revision after the 1st posting; I strengthened the neck and retook these photos)

Feathers too...
The inspiration: a gift from my son Amory of his illustration of me as a sandhill crane...yes, that's as a sandhill crane....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cup #60

More folds and curves as the handle and cup emerge from the base....being 60 is only just a little different than being 59....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cup #59

Waves and folds as cup and handle flow together after a record breaking 8 hours of delicate work (it fought being finished!) This may be related to it's status as the last cup I will make while I am 59 years old and as you can see it is also Cup just turned out that way. Tomorrow I turn 60! SO, the next cup I make will be Cup #60 and it will be the first cup I make upon turning 60...stay tuned..

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cup #57

Both cup and handle emerge from a swirling base...folding and unfolding, tender turning...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cup #56

More sculpting!....the cup is held softly by swirling bands in the base that sweep up to form the handle...softly, swirling, sweeping, swan....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cup #55

What can I say?....the cup takes the bite!....

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cup #54

A very small cup...and a very big handle that very early split apart and fell off the cup leaving a small remaining section which I then worked with to this more delicate result. The body of the cup is very much held at the base by the handle. The handle then becomes very busy curling around a seed, flowing up it's cup, and splitting into soft interconnected sections.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cup #53...after....the transformation

Two hours (and a lot of trust) later. Simple flowing in which the cup becomes handle and the handle becomes cup....

Cup #53..before... (in the beginning...there was a very rough handle)

Here is the handle in the rough just after attachment. Notice the slip oozing out between the handle and the cup at the base...(slip is wet clay slurry that helps the handle stay attached through the contraction of drying and firing). I have to trust that if I pay good attention to the handle it will transform from clunky/ugly into fluid/beautiful. The pleasure comes in the transformation.
It's just a matter of time...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cup #52

The handle flows from soft waves in the base...curls in confusion, undecidedly undulates up the cup and spills over the rim...two stretching open forms find safe places and join in...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cup #51

The handle sweeps up from pulsating ridges in the base then spills over just as it reaches the rim...more tender places as my fingers find their way in the soft clay...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cup #50

Half way to 100.... the handle emerges with fluidly from the base in tenderly formed, drooping (sad?..yes) curves....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cup #49

The handle vine becomes more fluid as I trust my fingers to find their way around the soft clay...
The first cup after my return from 3 1/2 months on Manitoulin Island.

Cup #48

The last cup before summer in Canada....I loved this cup so...full embracing,'s was hard to leave...

Cup #47

Distinct form and shape.... seeds are enfolded in split open places.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cup #46

What is going on here???!!!......

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cup #45

A wormy, curly little one has tucked itself in the loop of the handle vine

Cup #45 (another view)

The handle vine splits at the base, moves up the cup, curls, and splits open again as a seed emerges...

Friday, October 1, 2010

My studio in the afternoon light....

48 cups

48 cups all together drying on the shelf in my studio....3 still wrapped in plastic to slow the drying.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cup #44

A flat fluid handle (not so vine like) streams along the cup, turns and flows down and away...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cup #43 (another view)

More curling and embracing of the cup by the handle vine....

Cup #43

Cup form elongates...the handle vine grows, curls, and splits apart to embrace the cup.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cup #42

The wrapping vine sends out supporting shoots that energetically embrace this small delicate cup...

Cup #42 (side view)

A strong handle vine rises up, splits, then turns down and wraps....

Cup #41

Small dimpled pods emerge from each vine....

Cup #41 (side view)

Two vines merge and split apart.....two small dimpled protrusions begin to form at the base.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Cup #40

A simple vine handle spirals around the small pulsating cup form...the base splits into folds.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cup #39

A solid base supports a full wide bulbous opening of the cup form then a tightening at the top into swirling ridges that again reveal the finger pulling lines created with the turning of the wheel....the angular handle takes a more rounded dimpled shape...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cup #38

Angles, creases, folds...the handle emerges from the cup then turns and rejoins into the base. Seeds emerge from the openings in the base and erupt on the handle.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cup #37

More urge for angularity, yet sharp angles soften and split open into curves...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cup #36 ( the not supposed to be cup)

The cup form reveals that which a potter works against when is that which is not supposed to be: deep finger ridges, uneven outline, collapsing handle. AND YET....somehow it has its own integrity and balance. A whirling, swirling little cup whose existence so obviously reveals the turning of the wheel.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cup #35

The handle vine tucks tenderly into the curve of the cup then loops and flattens into a strong vertical plunge giving way only to a comfortable dip from which to grip it firmly..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Potter's Wheel

The messy potter's wheel from which a ball of clay is turned into a cup. A water bowl, tools, and sponges and 5 new cups line the shelves (cups #32-36) Above the wheel hangs a drawing of a woman (with a cup!) that has hung above the wheel since 1989 drawn by my son, Amory, at age 9. Next to the drawing hangs postcard of a very old photograph of a woman dancing close to the edge of a rock that juts out high above a canyon.

Cup #33 (two angles)

An energetic handle vine splits and proceeds to dance and curl boldly over the cup surface.
This is a large cup that has been well informed by the cost of exuberance in the previous cup. Working in clay shapes the potter, I know I have been shaped by it. Clay is clay. Clay will not be that which it cannot be. It cannot be forced by one's will. Turning clay into an object requires a relationship of sensitivity, respect, and a centered stance. If not, it can fly off the wheel, collapse, distort, wobble, crack, or explode in the kiln (taking out it's next of kin!)....hmm....sounds so human!

Cup #32

An exuberant intention to make a very large cup resulted in a collapse during its throwing. I slowed down and kept the small remaining clay at its base and turned it into a very small delicate cup, 3 1/2" tall. The handle remained large and embraces the little cup....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cup #31

Two vines embrace and a petal falls over the lip of the life emerges from a trumpeting vine...the cup form bulges and tightens down into an energetic base.

Cup #30

The cup pulls in and becomes smaller...a new energy in the handle vine as it hugs, splits apart, moves down and tucks in tightly at the base. A small bud erupts from a subtle twist.

Cup #29

Distinct edges on the handle vine, a little more twisting, and some dancing toes!....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cup #28

Handle vine splits apart.... new life emerges. The "unleashing" that came with the shift to twisting handle vines is in play....lots of energy and excitement as I approach the natural next...