Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cup #33 (two angles)

An energetic handle vine splits and proceeds to dance and curl boldly over the cup surface.
This is a large cup that has been well informed by the cost of exuberance in the previous cup. Working in clay shapes the potter, I know I have been shaped by it. Clay is clay. Clay will not be that which it cannot be. It cannot be forced by one's will. Turning clay into an object requires a relationship of sensitivity, respect, and a centered stance. If not, it can fly off the wheel, collapse, distort, wobble, crack, or explode in the kiln (taking out it's next of kin!)....hmm....sounds so human!


  1. Julia,

    I like your comments about clay being so human...it would make a great creation story, and a bit more interesting than being shaped out of dust! Maybe God is a potter! (we already know she's a woman.) But seriously....I think your comment about making an object out of clay as "a relationship of sensitivity, respect, and a centered stance" is right on the money. You have those qualities about you in day to day living, so it appears you have been shaped by clay as much as you have shaped it into beautiful works of art! There's a very nice symmetry to that type of life, don't you think?

  2. Gini...yes,yes,...shaping and being shaped by...it is symmetry, thanks for noticing (and seeing it in me).
