Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cup #100



  1. How exciting to be with you, my amazing sister, to celebrate this posting of this 100th STUNNING cup. Margaret

    1. My dear sister, it's such a pleasure to have you here at this ending point...

  2. Julia,

    This is such a beautiful project. Thanks for sharing your art with all of us.

    Much LOVE to you.

  3. This says it all!!! I gasped when I saw your 100th cup. What a diversion from the other 99 and yet it belongs to them. This cup IS because of them. Its so poignant Julia! Your work has always spoken to my soul and revealed the beauty in yours. Pammie

  4. Congratulations Julia! This cup is gorgeous. It is a surprise ending point, but also a new beginning. I know there are many more cups in you. Thank you for this very inspirational adventure. Chris

  5. What a journey this has been Miss Julia! From cup #1 to #100 there have been twists and turns and lots of surprises....and you have been present for each and everyone. Here's to you for staying inside the process! Thank you....from the bottom of my heart.

    1. Gini, Yes, being present with each cup helped me trust staying in the process. This trust grew and grew and it has been more important to me than the cups themselves.

  6. This last cup, with its straight firm pointed elements introduces a masculine complementarity to all the feminine power that has swirled and folded through cup after cup. It feels like the beginning of another cycle. Both powers are yours. Thank you for being willing to look deeply and to create open-heartedly. Thank you for making containers for soul tea.

    1. Deborah, Thanks so much for sipping...

  7. I'm speechless. And that, coming from me, means a lot :-). You finished your project! Thank you for sharing it with us. Cup # 100 is beautiful in its simple lines. But I love all of your cups. I'm looking forward seeing them all together.

    1. Thanks Marines...and I can count on you not to stay speechless...I hope?!

  8. I tried SO HARD to put my message on the blog - didn't work. I'm such a computer klutz (UGH!). Anyway, the most important thing to me is that YOU know what I wanted to say...

    Your hands express your soul so beutifully. The progression of cups all had variety but common-ness of curves and a feeling of soft flow. This final cup is so different - angles and straight lines. Upon first seeing it - I felt the strong jutting out of the line from the center of the cup - something imposing, not necessarily welcome, but there to be dealt with. The prongs at the top felt to me like a way to harness it - saying "yes, you are here, but I'm going to hem you in; you do not have free reign".

    I feel such love and appreciation for you and for Margaret - we three sisters - so different and yet so similar when it gets down to deep core. This unique time allows us to be together in a new way. Nothing feels more important to me than this...

    If there's a way to transport my words to the blog - please do it! Otherwise, it's really meant for you...

    Your techno-incompetent sister, Carol

    1. Carol, You did it! Your words arrived on the blog! Thanks so much for your reflections and willingness to meet the new!...Julia

  9. Wow! Surprise ending. I love it, and the whole process. Yay for you!

  10. Thanks Judy...I'm glad you were with me along the way...Julia

  11. Well done.
    Your vision and energy seemed to really come together with this project.
    I love the process.
    I love the forms.
    I love the metaphor.
    Love, Nell

  12. Julia -
    This is from Liza, the art cart lady. I've been enjoying your 100 cups and your poetry this morning! Beautiful work. I love how alive the creative process is for you! I'm inspired!


  13. Julia
    I just found your blog, and I have been glued to my screen for hours, mesmerized by your cups. What an incredible project, and what grace and beauty you were able to put into each cup!! I am absolutely inspired, I'll be looking at the pictures for many hours to come, and I can't wait to get my hands on some clay to start trying out new ideas. Thanks for a WEALTH of inspiration.

  14. I've just caught up...better late than never, Dear Julia. What a stunning project. I've looked and looked and long to see the collection together in one place and to touch one or two of these. Thank you for this journey of cups, of soul shapes, of process and expression. I'm an admirer. So beautiful. Just like you. XO Beth L-R
