Friday, December 16, 2011

Cup #91 (two views)

What can I say....I turn and turn and am sixty-one today...91/'s my Birth Day.


  1. Julia,
    I see a woman in this also. A woman with everything pulled back to reveal what is left -- which is clear and clean and beautiful. And the top, is a crown which she has worn but may choose not to now, though it is still attached.

  2. Stacey, I have been wondering about this cup. It felt like quite a shift when I made it and I was surprised by it. I did want to express a pulling out and lifting up and off the cup (ah, but a handle has to be attached to it's cup!). Your description adds so much to it for me in describing what it left after the pulling and a narrative that moved me.
    Thanks so much for understanding so well what I was trying to express...Julia

  3. Love the comment.
    Dec. 16 is Carrie's and Hara's birthday as well!
