This is my journal documenting an ongoing creative endeavor sustained by a single underlying current with 100 momentary breaks, each indicated by an individual porcelain cup which reveals both continuity and uniqueness in the way the pot is thrown, the handle is pulled and wrapped,
and the form is carved and sculpted. Each piece is photographed in its raw
porcelain clay state before being fired or glazed. If you would like to follow the progression from Cup #1, scroll down and click "Older Posts" or begin at the Blog Archive "2010", "March".

Visit my public archive forum on facebook: Julia Munn Livingston Pottery Archive.

The 100 Cups collection is available for exhibition.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cup #61 (2 views and the inspriration)

Cup and handle as sandhill crane.....(with a revision after the 1st posting; I strengthened the neck and retook these photos)

Feathers too...
The inspiration: a gift from my son Amory of his illustration of me as a sandhill crane...yes, that's as a sandhill crane....


  1. This could be somewhat of a collaboration! haha This is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks Mom, I really love it, definitely my favorite one yet!

  2. Amory...Thanks for the inspiration (in oh so many ways!)

  3. Elegant, flowing, balanced. One of my favourites so far. And its resemblance to Julia is striking. Chuc

  4. Thanks Chuc...for seeing...Julia
